Human Resource Leadership for Effective Schools (5th Edition)
- Clearly connects human resource management decisions to student learning and achievement to illustrate how critical this function is to schools.
- Contains case studies to give students a detailed picture of various personnel problems. Thirty new case studies on No Child Left Behind, teacher recruitment and selection, reductions in force, Professional Development and teacher dismissal focus on recent developments in the field.
- Describes alternative forms of collective bargaining used in school districts to avoid the adversarial approach of the industrial model of collective bargaining.
- "Suggested Activities" following every chapter provide an opportunity for students to process and apply concepts discussed in the chapter.
- Annotated lists of Online Resources at the end of each chapter provide quick access to supplemental material.
- An Instructor’s Manual is available online to adopters at
- Discussion of the requirement from No Child Left Behind to employ highly qualified teachers in all classrooms examines the implications of this mandate on recruitment and selection of teachers.
- Coverage of key issues, such as mandated use of standardized tests for assessing school performance, applicants with disabilities, professional development programs, mentoring, and new developments in pay-for-performance plans keeps this book current with today's critical areas of concern.
- New standards for selecting and evaluating teachers (INTASC and PRAXIS III) and school leaders (ISLLC) are discussed in light of the increased emphasis on accountability.
- Legal Issues and Collective Bargaining (Ch. 11-12) have been updated to reflect current issues such as sexual harassment in schools and Constitutional protections for employees.
- TECHNOLOGY ADVANTAGE — Educational Administration Website.
<>Emphasizing the relationship of human resource management to student learning, this book is driven by recent research, yet offers real applications throughout.
Many Human Resource Management books emphasize only the functions of the area. This text emphasizes how human resource decisions affect student achievement. It also discusses the impact on human resource practice in schools with site-based management, addresses ISLLC standards, and shows practical applications for research related to human resource practice.