Deer-Hide camouflage shirt and pants, brown stocking cap, Rocky "Snake" boots, Hunter Safety System treestand safety vest
Mathews bow and arrows, Nikon binoculars and range finder, Quaker Boy "Shooter" deer call, Scent-Lok style storage bag, set of rattling antlers
Ameristep treestand with four "Rapid Rail" ladder sections, Renzo's buck and doe silhouette decoys, 18 Hunter Dan stickers
For ages 5 and up
Join HUNTER DAN as he pursues big game on the hunt of a lifetime. You can help guide HUNTER DAN as he patiently waits for a trophy whitetail in his favorite treestand location YOU select Whether HUNTER DAN is chasing the monster whitetails of Iowa or an elusive Muy Grande in South Texas, you will have hours of fun hunting wherever your imagination takes you.