➤Original Part Numbers (Replaces Part Numbers): 80008074, G433-0016-W1, G4330016W1, G433 0016 W1
Note: Make sure you measure the size of your original parts and compare with the replacements to verify you are ordering correctly!
Hyco hyJ874A (4-pack) Porcelain Steel Heat Plate Replacement for Select Charbroil and Kenmore Gas Grill Models (CBHP5). Charbroil Models: 461461108, 463420507, 463420508, 463420509, 463420510, 463420511, 463420512, 463420707, 463420708, 463421107, 463421108, 463422107, 463422507, 463440109, 463460508, 463460712, 463462108, 466420908, 466420909, 466420910, 466420911, 466471110 For Kenmore Sears Models: 463420507 Replaces Part Numbers: 80008074, G433-0016-W1, G4330016W1, G433 0016 W1. Make sure you measure the size of your original parts and compare with the replacements to verify you are ordering correctly.