The central claim of rationalism is that a sufficiently clever person, sitting alone in their room, could work out all of the principles of existence, everything that makes our world what it is. No faith and no sensory observations or experiments are required. No one needs to spend billions building a Large Hadron Collider. However, you DO require the mind of a genius, and it's not an atom smasher you need but a bullshit and fallacy smasher.
Hyperrationalism differs from rationalism in one crucial regard. It asserts that all rational truths are mathematical and that the universe is 100% mathematical.
"Hyperreason" is the extraordinary and mind-boggling story of the attempts down the ages of the rational and hyperrational to explain reality via thought alone.
Most people are completely alienated from reason, just as they are from mathematics, so hyperreason represents the most daunting possible challenge. "Believers" quail when they encounter it and hide their eyes in case hyperreason, like Medusa, turns them to stone. The scientists who worship experiments flee in horror when they are told that hyperreason disdains experiments. 1 + 1 = 2 is true eternally and not a single experiment is needed to verify it, or refute it. All real truths are of exactly that immutable, Platonic character.
Find out about Thomas Aquinas's five rationalist proofs for the existence of God, Leibniz's brilliant ontological argument and principle of sufficient reason, Gödel’s dazzling Incompleteness Theorem, the beguiling Riemann hypothesis, the Multiverse theories of science and why the human brain - with its two hemispheres doing radically different types of Fourier mathematics - points the way to a complete and unambiguous understanding of reality.
Welcome to the Birth of Hyperreason. Welcome to the Mind of God!