Hyperworlds, Underworlds is an uncompromising chronicle of the utopian dreams and dystopian nightmares of the 21st century.
In the articles gathered here, journalist Jason Louv hands you his ambitious map of the future. He chronicles the effects of globalization and technology, the rampant abuses of corporations and intelligence agencies, the robotification of war, and how technology and mass communications are used for control of the population. For answers to the questions posed by our Brave New World, he looks to our culture’s outsiders and rebels, and the combs the fringes of spirituality for ways to destabilize the Machine.
Hyperworlds, Underworlds is more than a record of a journalist’s best work. It’s also a toolkit for understanding our tumultuous world, and finding a way to re-establish our very humanity in the face of a relentlessly dehumanizing future.
With a trickster magician’s sardonic humor, Louv reveals the future to come—and gives you the power to change it.