Everyone has an opinion, most of which aren't heard in the national media s echo chamber. Especially those from within the sprawling L(esbian)/G(ay)/B(isexual)/ T(ransgender)/I(ntersex)/Q(ueer) community. Some consider this a fight for equality. Some see it as the wrong fight. Many are anxiously waiting a chance to wed. Many others find the idea absurd. I Do/I Don't collects a diverse array of queer voices on the subject of marriage. Stars and ordinary Janes. Saints and sinners. Anarchists and poets. Journalists and dreamers. Personal essays, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, vows, rants, love letters, and sermons. Silly to serious. In favor and against. Yay and nay, in between, neither, and D) all of the above. All valid. All from inside the community.