IC - Bladder And Interstitial Cystitis Pain Holistic IC Diet And Medical Treatment Options For Chronic Pain Relief: Bladder Pain & Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms, Treatments Cure Relief
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IC - Bladder And Interstitial Cystitis Pain Holistic IC Diet And Medical Treatment Options For Chronic Pain Relief: Bladder Pain & Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms, Treatments Cure Relief
This All-Inclusive Guide Walks You Through Diagnosis, Symptoms, Treatment Options (Natural and Medical)For IC, From Alternative Treatment Scaling Up to Medical Intervention Covering Array of Options to Help You Find a Cure If you are someone who is affected by bladder disorders and have yet to find viable cure, You’re about to discover how to put an end to your chronic bladder/urinary pain for good! If you are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC), you probably have been told there is no cure. You must take more comprehensive approach. There isn’t going to be one herbal/vitamin or one exercise or one medication you take for instant cure. This is not how your body works, it takes time, but you must get started. Emphasis should be on lifestyle changes, from diet, emotional condition, exercising, resting, stress management, etc.…This is all in one guide book, and it will walk you through step by step from your first symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options to regaining your health. You will learn how to manage IC flares on the spot and what will prevent them from reoccurring in the future. This is the only book that combines holistic and medical option in one to give you the best chance to recover from IC. I have chosen this approach because some IC sufferers need a lifestyle change more than conventional medical route, however others do require medical options if lifestyle changes alone are not helping. This book begins with most common causation of your bladder/urinary problem and slowly picks up steam to more advance solution, from more holistic approach to medical treatment options. Holistic approach is more recommended approach that may also help with other linked disease like IBS, fibromyalgia, prostatitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. This includes self-assessments, IC diet (why one diet fits all will never work for everyone), herbal/vitamins, pelvic pain/bladder pain and personal journaling to monitor if all of this is working for you. If alternative treatments are not effective, the book also discusses some of the conventional methods to diagnose IC (potassium sensitivity test-GAG layer) and move on to various treatment options that are available today from medication (elmiron) to procedure that many have found relief from (DMSO, TENS, Bladder Instillation) providing more comprehensive look at IC.