In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity
Used Book in Good Condition
The widespread perception of a decisive "parting of the ways" between Christianity and Judaism after the destruction of the temple in C.E. 70 has distorted our understanding of the following decades and centuries of Jewish and Christian history. We are left with the impression that hostile polemic or mutual avoidance between Christians and Jews was the order of the day. In the Shadow of the Temple offers a new perspective on the development of the early church in its practice (e.g., wordhip, baptism and Eucarist) and doctrine (e.g., Scripture, Christology, peumatology). Oskar Skarsaune begins by tracing the story of second temple Judaism from the crisis of the Jewish encounter with Hellenism in the second century B.C. through the diverse Judaisms of the first century C.E. Then, from the time of Jesus and the origins of the church up to the Constantinian revolution of the early fourth century C.E., Skarsaune offers us fascinating snapshots and analyses of the interactions, the arguments and the shaping influences of Judaism on the life, creed and practices of the church. This is a book that will both facinate and dinform its readers. It embraces a historical period that transcends the ordinary divisions of labor between scholars of Christian origins and early church history. And it offers insights into history that challenge the prevailing notions of the way it was - and the way it must be between Christians and Jews.