Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Four (2015) Vol. 2 (Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-2016))
For four years, he has ruled humanity with an iron fist. His enemies have been scattered or slain, though some still fight on. He is Superman, the most powerful being in the world...but not in all worlds.
A stunning scheme has unleashed the Gods of Olympus on Earth, and they've seized the reins of power from the Man of Steel. But though they have ended his tyranny—for now—the cure may be worse than the disease. Now an unlikely alliance of friends and foes must fight to defeat these beings of indescribable magic and might using every weapon at their disposal.
And they must not forget that they're not the only ones with weapons. Because if the war between gods and heroes doesn't end soon, the nuclear-armed nations of Earth may all take aim together and end it once and for all...
The endlessly surprising saga of superhero dystopia inspired by the hit video game continues! Writer Brian Buccellato and artists Bruno Redondo, Mike S. Miller, Tom Derenick, and Xermanico conclude the Year of the Gods in INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US: YEAR FOUR VOL. 2, collecting INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US: YEAR FOUR #8-12 and INJUSTICE: GODS AMONG US: YEAR FOUR ANNUAL #1!
PLUS: Original writer Tom Taylor returns for an all-star super-villain jailbreak that leads directly into the hotly anticipated YEAR FIVE!