Born the youngest two children of a drug addicted prostitute and absentee fathers, Nesha and Kwame Duhart are all each other have. Not even their grandmother is willing to step up to the plate and protect them from the poisonous elements of the hood. Regardless, Nesha refuses to allow her baby brother to become a statistic. So at the age of fourteen, she starts turning tricks. She despises it, but food, clothes, and electricity aren’t free.
Into Nesha’s complicated life walks Durando Evans. The handsome jock from the suburbs and the girl from the ghetto fall madly in love.
Along with Nesha’s new love and climb up the ranks in her hustle comes trouble beyond her worst nightmare. All of her visions of a better life for Kwame now seem like impossible dreams. Has every trick she’s ever turned for her baby brother in the name of love been in vain? Only time will tell. Maybe fate will be kind to Nesha, granting her a second chance in life and at love and happiness. Or she’ll face eternal damnation for her sins. Whichever way the tide rolls, Nesha is woman enough to own all of her misdeeds. And to her haters and the self-righteous who wish to cast stones, she has three simple words: Judge Me Not.