Penelope Lively is one of England's greatest living writers, whom The New York Times Book Review has called "blessed with the gift of being able to render matters of great import with a breath, a barely audible sigh, a touch. The result is wonderful writing." Judgment Day takes us into the life of Clare Paling, who has just moved with her family to Laddenham, a seemingly drowsy village enlivened by sideshows of adultery and gossip. An avowed agnostic, Clare is nonetheless caught up in the restoration of the church, even inciting the villagers to put on a pageant that re-creates the church's dark past. With flawless precision, Lively brings the village and its inhabitants to life as an unpardonable death reminds them all that the world is a very uncertain place. "Penelope Lively exhibits an almost Hardyesque concern with fate and its mysterious workings.... A stimulating novel." -- William Boyd, The Times Literary Supplement "A beautiful and brilliant novel." -- Auberon Waugh "Marvelous observation, wit, control and zest." -- The Observer (U.K.)