Ex-military man, Lynx Anders has one surefire weapon that destroys all of his pain and suffering--SEX.
Lots of raw, unattached, uninhibited sex.
Sure, it doesn't cure him of all that he's seen--all that he's done in combat, but it helps--for the time being.
But when he has one night of unadulterated, mind-blowing passion with Sarah Linscum, Lynx realizes that one night is not enough--will never be enough.
Her upbeat and bubbly exterior broke through his tough-guy armor, and he wants more. Bound and determined to uncover why Sarah's eyes mirror his own in pain and despair, Lynx sets out to make them shine as bright as her.
As they both know, it takes "just one moment" to change everything.
Together, can they heal from the demons that chase them in their dreams and find a way to not only heal…but love?