Smoothing and hydration
KERA FRUIT COCOA CAPILLARY SURGERY Kera Fruit capillary surgery diminishes hair waves, causing hair to lose frizz, allowing it to be more easily perished, to the point of decreasing the use of the dryer and the iron. Hair surgery decreases frizz completely. The hair after being subjected to this treatment looks much more appeased and reduces in almost all its totality the static electricity that is responsible for those electric hair that we observe raised above our head. Decreasing the volume is another benefit provided by Kera Fruit hair surgery. Due to the deep hydration and the change of structure of the strands, the hair decreases its volume by 70%. • Help to lose the frizz • Emphasize colors • Hydrates dry, chemically treated hair, achieving manageable mane and a much more pleasant and natural look. Hair surgery straightens the strands up to 60%. This is because the treatment modifies the structure of the hair, breaking the wave and modifying its natural composition to achieve a smoother hair. It also provides deep hydration for the hair, since its content in fatty oils allows it to recover its vitality, look much healthier, brighter and softer. The softness that the hair acquires with this treatment is undoubtedly one of the best properties, since the porosity of the strands is completely eliminated, a very common defect of the damaged hair and the