Massage function: massages your skin and the surrounding tissues to iron out unsightly wrinkles and fat deposits. Include two massager probes.
Skin Scrubber function: Cleans off the dirtiness in the pores and make the skin become clean and fresh. Include a skin scrubber.
Includes TWO DERMABRASION STAINLESS STEEL HANDLES. 9 PC DIAMOND TIPS which include different sizes and are of fine, medium, and coarse tips so that they can be used in different purposes and locations.
Also includes 360 FILTERS (6 bags x 60 filters per bag) (240 small and 120 large ones) and Two cylinder-like plastic oil filters. AIR HOSE FOR DIAMOND FILTER. POWER CABLE. Safety: CE certified.
This multifunction Diamond Microdermabrasion machine refines, rejuvenates and smoothens skin. It has 3 built-in functions -- Diamond Microdermabrasion function, Skin Scrubber function, and skin Massage function, and definitely a must-have equipment for aestheticians