Explore These Simple Delicious Step-by-Step Recipes To Achieve Dieting Greatness!
Here's A Quick sneak peak, hmm why not...
Contrary to popular belief, the reason many people have difficulty achieving their weight loss goals has nothing to do with their average fat or calorie consumption, it’s really all about the carbohydrate intake. If you are interested in learning how to force your body to start burning fat for fuel, then Ketogenic Diet: Simple Ketogenic Diet Cookbook 20 Delicious Low Carb Recipes for Weight Loss is the book for you.
Inside you will find breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes perfect for sticking to the ketogenic diet whose goal is to trick your body into an advanced state of weight loss triggered by a significant drop in daily carbohydrate intake. This state of ketosis triggers the body to start burning fat, starting with visceral or abdominal fat, to create the energy it needs to perform daily functions. What’s more, it reduces your risk of heart disease while at the same time increasing good cholesterol.
The hardest part to sticking to any new diet is figuring out what to eat, but the recipes found within are delicious and filling enough to make you forget about all of the carbohydrates you aren’t eating. Do your body a favour, pick up this book today.
Here are the benefits you'll get from reading this book ...