Kidorable Red Fireman Natural Rubber Rain Boots w/Fun Flame Pull On Heel Tab
Firemen love to ride to the rescue. A boy in Kidorable Fireman Boots is brave and always ready to help. I'm a Fireman. What will you be?
More than just a pair of boots, these playful puddle magnets make a wonderful gift. Guaranteed to be the cutest boots in your neighborhood. Kids beg to wear them in any weather, rain or shine
COMFORT IS KEY: Kidorable knows that water wear needs to be warm and comfortable as well as rain proof, so we've designed these boots with a comfy cotton lining and a whole lot of personality
FUN AND PRACTICAL: If you're looking for a perfect Back to School or Birthday present for a kiddo in your life, you've found it. Kidorable Fireman Rubber Rain Boots are a great gift that boys love
Kidorable Fireman Rain Boots made of durable and comfy natural rubber w/a fun, printed cotton lining to keep them warm and dry. Non-slip soles, plus easy pull-on Flame heel tab for extra independence