Trendy fashions! Quick gifts! These stylish beanies and headwraps knit up in a weekend or less and add extra warmth and excitement to cool-weather wardrobes. Make a Newsboy Beanie with a knitted brim, or a Cable Headwrap that secures with a button. Create a chic Twisty Cables Beanie or an elegant Split Headwrap. If you like your knitting to be very simple yet still look amazing, the Basic Beanie is your perfect pattern. The designs fit adult sizes small/medium and large/extra-large.
10 projects for Easy to Intermediate skills, to make using medium weight yarn: Ribbed Beanie, Seed Stitch Beanie, Twisty Cables Beanie, Lacy Beanie, Basic Beanie, Cables Beanie, Newsboy Beanie, Lacy Headwrap, Cable Headwrap, and Split Headwrap. BONUS: Online technique videos.