LEBOLIKE Bike Spoke Lights Cycling Bike Wheel Lights for Bicycle Decoration 6 Pack - Batteries Included
Lebolike Bike Spoke Lights
Be Cool. Be Safe. Be Seen.
1. Package includes bike wheel lights.
2. Each spoke light needs a CR2032 battery and it is included.
3. There are 6 x extra batteries included, other sellers do not have these.
4. The package comes with zip ties.
5. The lifetime is up to 72 hours.
6. Waterproof and durable, made of good quality materials.
1. Install the spoke light betwen the spoke.
2. Attach one groove into the bicycle spoke.
3. Adjust the spoke light until it fits tight.
4. Use the zip tie through the hole of spoke light and tie it up on the spoke.
These bike spoke lights are a great gift for kids.