Features translucent electricity bolts and possible joints; Selected Mixels also feature Nixels inside the pack
Collect all three Mixels in the Electroid tribe to build the super Mixel tribe combo
Combine with 41505 SHUFF from the LEGO Mixels Cragster tribe for a quirky mixed-up Mixel
Watch all your favorite Mixel characters on Cartoon Network! Play the game available for iOS and Android!
Up for anything, ZAPTOR is the super-charged adrenaline junkie of the Electroids, a quirky tribe of Mixels who live high up in the mountainous forest close to the lightning storms that power them. Capable of releasing massive blasts of energy and blinding light, ZAPTOR can give his friends sunburn. They would prefer it if this living lightning rod of a Mixel directed those high voltage blasts at the Nixels!