Large Wooden 2 1/4" Diameter Christian Mealtime Prayers Prayer Cube
Each cube contains six prayers silk-screened on a wood cube. Roll the cube to determine which prayer will be prayed or recited during lessons. Prayers: God is great, God is good; Let us thank Him for our food. Amen. For joy, and plenty, health and power, I thank You, Father, every hour. Amen. God, bless this food, which we now take; And do us good for Jesus' sake. Amen. Dear Father, for this food we give Thee fullest thanks today. May we use the strength it gives to drive all sin away. Amen. For joy, and plenty, health and power, I thank You, Father, every hour. Amen. For health and food, for loving care, for friends and blessings everywhere, dear Father God we thank Thee. Amen. Father, my praise I gladly give, in all I do, and think, and live. Amen.