Leadership Transitions: The New College President: New Directions for Higher Education, Number 93 (J-B HE Single Issue Higher Education)
For both new presidents and their institutions, the presidential leadership transition is an intense experience with serious ramifications for the success of the president's tenure. Ironically, although considerable time is spent orienting new stuedents to our institutions, little thought is given to designing an orientation or entry process for our senior leadership. This sourcebook describes some of the experiences of new presidents during their leadership transition, addresses the varying issues and dilemmas new presidents encounter, and offers advice based on research and first-hand experience. The volume is written for new and experienced presidents, for individuals who aspire to the presidency, and for those who work with new presidents and have a stake in seeing them succeed. This is the 93rd issue of the quarterly journal New Directions for Higher Education. For more information on the series, please see the Journals and Periodicals page.