Learn Ruby on Rails: Book One
Get the book that is called "The best Rails book for beginners."
For a solid start on Ruby on Rails web development...Get this book by renowned teacher and author Daniel Kehoe. No other tutorial does a better job of explaining the concepts. Master the basics. Learn the practices you'll use in the workplace as a professional Rails developer. Learn in a weekend, building a real-life web application, using the newest Rails version.
Is It For You?
This book is written for YOU if you are new to Ruby on Rails and...- You've got experience with the web and need to learn Rails
- You don't know how to program -- but want to learn
- You want to build an application
- You want to start a career as a professional web developer
What Experts Are Saying
Linda Liukas, co-founder of Rails Girls..."Learn Ruby on Rails is a great book for anyone starting to learn web development, giving you the context and explanations at the right time in an encouraging way."
Michael Hartl, author of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial..."If you're new to web development, I recommend Daniel Kehoe's excellent Learn Ruby on Rails book. Learn Ruby on Rails is the gentlest introduction to Rails that I know of, so it's a great place for beginners to start."
Chapters and Topics
- Introduction - What You'll Learn
- Concepts - How the Web Works, What is Rails?, Gems, Git, Testing, Rails Stacks
- Get Help When You Need It - Stack Overflow, Meetups, Pair Programming, Code Reviews
- Plan Your Product - User Stories, Wireframes and Mockups, Behavior-Driven Development
- Manage Your Project - Kanban, Trello, Agile
- Accounts You May Need - GitHub, Gmail, MailChimp, Heroku
- Get Started - Text Editor, Terminal, Unix commands, Installing Ruby
- Create the Application - Starter Applications, Rails New, Server, Log Messages
- The Parking Structure - Rails Files and Folders Explained
- Time Travel with Git - Configuring Git, Repository, GitIgnore, Git Workflow, GitHub
- Gems - Where Do Gems Live?, Gemfile, Bundler
- Configure - Environment Variables, Config Secrets File, Configure Email
- Static Pages and Routing - Public Folder, Home Page, About Page, Routes
- Request and Response - Browser Developer Tools View, Document Object Model, Model View Controller
- Dynamic Home Page - Naming Conventions, Routing, Model, View, Controller
- Troubleshoot - Interactive Ruby Shell, Rails Console, Logger, Stack Trace, Exceptions
- Just Enough Ruby - Ruby Literacy, Object-Oriented Terminology, Ruby Basics
- Layout and Views - Template Languages, ERB, Application Layout, Boilerplate, Yield, View Helpers
- Front-End Framework - Asset Pipeline, Navigation, Partials, Messages, Zurb Foundation
- Add Pages - High Voltage Gem, Contact Page
- Contact Form - SimpleForm, Params Hash, Validation, ActiveModel, RESTful Controllers, Security
- Spreadsheet Connection - APIs, Connecting to Google Drive, Service-Oriented Architecture
- Send Mail - Mailer, Queueing and Background Jobs
- Mailing List - APIs
- Deploy - Heroku
- Analytics - Google Analytics, Segment, Turbolinks, Page and Event Tracking
- Testing - Why Test?, What Are Tests?, Minitest, Capybara, Feature Tests, TDD
- Rails Composer - Starter Applications
- Rails Challenges - Overcoming Obstacles
- Crossing the Chasm - Building Your Own Applications, Finding a Mentor, Self-Help Strategies
- Level Up - What to Learn Next
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