'Learning Through Drama' contains drama strategies and lesson plans for use with primary school children across the curriculum. The book provides guidance to teachers who have never taught drama before but are considering using it in a subject area such as science or history and offers new approaches to those familiar with common drama techniques (such as hot-seating and teacher in role). The book includes 36 drama strategies and over 250 cross-curricular activities, including practical ideas for inspiring speaking, listening and writing. The Kindle version has been carefully optimised for reading on the device with easy navigation throughout the book.
'This book is a beautifully laid-out, easy to use resource, full of imaginative and practical ideas to help learning become much more memorable and inspirational.' - Hilary Lewis (Drama Consultant).
‘Even the well-practiced and creative drama teacher will find something in this book that serves as a refresher, reminder or quite simply a new idea… a must-have publication for those serious about the teaching of drama in primary school settings.' - Teaching Drama magazine.