Leisure Education Activities for Individuals With Substance Addictions (Leisure Education Series IV)
The 112 new and innovative activities in this fourth volume are designed to meet the needs of those adolescents and adults with substance abuse and chemical dependency problems. Most of the activities have very specific content that deals with issues of substance abuse, while some activities are aimed at the larger issues of leisure awareness, social skills, decision making, and leisure resources.The beginning chapters of Leisure Education IV cover social interaction skills that offer therapeutic recreation specialists information to improve their delivery of social skills programs to a variety of clients. The first chapter gives an overview of why social skills are of paramount importance to clients of therapeutic recreation services. The second chapter focuses on the assessment of social skills in order to provide an intervention program aimed at improving those skills. The third chapter provides more information on the provision of intervention programs aimed at improving social skills. The activities are provided to supplement, not replace, good, creative, systematic program design. They are intended to provide a catalyst for offering high-quality, consistent programming that aims at achieving client outcomes.