"LianSan" sunglasses brand is originated from China in 1999. we have been focused on high quality glasses for many year. All LianSan sunglasses satisfy US FDA Reg.21CFR 801.410 ANSI Z80.3-2008 & EN 1836:2005/A1:2007 standards for optical and mechanical performance and are in accordance with the EC Directive 89/686/EEC for the I.P.D of category I corresponding to the European Community. [Brand]: LianSan [model]lsp301,3113 [Color]: white, red, brown, black, purple [frame material]:plastic [lens material]: composite lens [size]: 1. For lsp301: Lens width: 60mm, Lens height: 50mm, Bridge: 18mm,Arm: 120mm 2. For 3113: Lens width: 66mm, Lens height: 53mm, Bridge: 20mm,Arm: 122mm [Target User]: women [Features]: polarized, fashonable, oversized [Certification]: 1. DROP BALL TEST 2. Certification of FDA Registration Service