Annual breed season, thousands of female turtles return to the beach where they born in order to continue species
by spawning millions of eggs.
A blue female turtle came back to the sea after finishing its breeding task, then caught by a fishing vessel unfortunately.
What's worse, one of its front feet hurt by the fishing net which lost the last opportunity go home.
Luckily, a marine expert saved the blue turtle and it experienced an unforgettable time with the kind human being.
Several months later, it had already recovered from this accident and it will be released soon.
The blue turtle refused to go home, it changed into 19.3 x 19.3 x 1.97 inch's irony&glass body and one of its front foot
evolved into a gourd-shaped hole for hanging on the wall steadier.
It's the story about blue turtle in the past, and the following plot waiting for you to replenish.