Li'l Abner: The Complete Dailies and Color Sundays, Vol. 7: 1947–1948
Shmoo’s Who?! What has been called “the greatest run of Li’l Abner ever†begins with Abner and Daisy Mae on a quest to locate the elusive Stanley Steamer. Meanwhile, Kickapoo Joy Juice prevents atomic disaster, while Fearless Fosdick tackles Anyface and the Chippendale Chair. “Evil Eye†Fleegle and Stupefyin’ Jones make their inaugural appearances (not together, thank goodness), and Tenderleif Ericson creates a memorable Sadie Hawkins Day, by Yiminy! But when Abner makes a trip to the Valley of the Shmoon, he finds mankind’s greatest benefactor — and mankind’s gravest threat!
Laughs, thrills, and a healthy dose of gorgeous women all await in Li’l Abner Volume 7!