Margaret Maron's New York Times bestselling mystery series featuring Judge Deborah Knott comes to a heartwarming conclusion...
On a quiet August morning, Judge Deborah Knott's father, Kezzie, discovers a dead body on his farm. Investigating the crime, Deborah's husband, Sheriff's Deputy Dwight Bryant, soon uncovers a long-simmering hostility between Kezzie and the slain man over a land dispute, casting suspicion on the Knott family.
Meanwhile, Deborah receives a cigarette lighter that once belonged to her mother, which makes her curious about her parents. How did they meet? And how could a prominent attorney's daughter marry the uneducated son of a moonshiner?
Why are Deborah's brothers so evasive about the dead man? Is the murder linked to Kezzie's illegal whiskey business? And could his courtship of Deborah's mother have something to do with the bad blood between the two families? Deborah's loyalties are torn as she tries to clear her family from suspicion without hampering Dwight's investigation.