Edited by Margit E. McGuire and Bronwyn Cole
NCSS Bulletin 109, 87 pp., 2010
This teacher-friendly book will be a welcome resource for all committed to the revitalization of social studies in elementary schools in the face of great pressures to reduce the time given to social studies subjects. The contributors advocate a vision of social studies that engages students, incorporates best classroom practices, and results in demonstrable educational accomplishments. One of the principal thrusts of the book is to emphasize the potential of children's literature and stories on social studies topics as a means of promoting literacy goals as well as an authentic social studies education. Contributors demonstrate the value of using cultural universalsÑbasic human needs and social experiences found in all societiesÑas a framework for teaching developmentally appropriate social studies in the early grades. The book also emphasizes the importance of well-constructed and imaginative service-learning projects as a way for students to "live their civics."
Written by experienced and expert social studies educators with a keen eye for distinguishing classroom practices that work from those that do not, this book is an important contribution not only to social studies instruction, but to elementary education in general.