Synopsis: A middle-aged man with the crushing weight of his American past seeks peace and a simpler life in rural Kenya. Armed with only his smokes and coffee he discovers a friendship with the most unlikely of friends--a lioness he rightfully names Malaika, "Angel" in Swahili. But she is no ordinary lioness nor is he an ordinary man. Between them they share a gift. But not all embrace their bond and some seek to sever it. Discover this new world rich in human truth and sensibility.                                                                   "MALAIKA by Van Heerling is one of the best novellas I've read in a long time."
"An excellent piece of writing that I enjoyed immensely..." S. Warfield(TOP 1000 REVIEWER) (VINE VOICE)                                                      Â
"...Heering has exceptional ability for finding the soul of realism." Schuyler T Wallace (VINE VOICE)                                                                Â
"There is definitely more substance in this story than appears on its surface." Jerry Sanchez(VINE VOICE)                                                                                                Â
" is a gift to relish and savor...a keeper to the nth degree."  ---Heidi Johnson   Â
                                                                             "It is a book that should become a highly acclaimed classic and be required reading in every school. I have read it twice already." Carol in Ohio   Â
I'm afraid I will not be able to do this amazing novella justice in my review. To put it short, MALAIKA was quite simply beautiful and haunting. It is a powerful story woven by the author in masterful prose--one that is thought provoking and speaks of the power of forgiveness.This is by far the best piece of literature, under full novel length, I have EVER read, and I cannot wait to read this author's next work.  ---Author T.M Souders