With Just A Few Simple Tools You Too Can Quickly Start Making Beautiful Goat Milk Soap In Your Own Kitchen
Goat milk soap has this exotic image, but making it yourself is surprisingly easy and simple. You can do it.
As long as you're making your own handmade natural soap products, why not add a special premium ingredient? Using milk in soap making is just the extra touch to really set your creations apart.
Let's face it, there are lots of people making soap these days. It seems that everywhere you look somebody new is making soap, and often they are trying to sell it too!
A lot of soap is just about alike. How boring...
As a maker of beautiful goat milk soap, you have something extra, something that is more interesting.
In the book, "Making Goat Milk Soap - The Simple Art" by Alan Bullington, you get complete details to make the very best soap using wonderful goat milk.