Making Wine: Learn How To Make Wine With 190 Easy Homemade Wine Recipes
Inside "Making Wine:Learn How To Make Wine With 190 Easy Homemade Wine Recipes", you'll get over one hundred sixty pages of detailed and easy-to-follow instructions for dozens of wine recipes, including:
Fruit wines: raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, grape
Dried fruit wines: currant, apricot, date, sultana
Stewed fruit wines: elderberry, prune, raisin, crab-apple
Root wines: parsnip, potato, sugar-beet, beetroot
Flower and sugar wines: clover, dandelion, elder-flower
Favorites: carrot whisky, Westcott Schnapps, wheat wine, orange wine, peach brandy, ginger wine, and more.
Two special reports are also included... easy recipes for making "Champagne and Sparkling Wines" and "Sherry".
If you want the secrets to making great-tasting wine, then this book is highly recommended.