Mars Flavia Alterra Real Milk Froth, Original, 72 Count (Formerly Fabulous Froth)(Packaging may be vary)
72 Count Real Milk Froth for your flavia brewer (Formerly Fabulous Froth Original)
Indulge yourself with a perfect Latte or Cappuccino without leaving your home or office; just add your coffee / tea of choice and a packet of Real Milk
NEW and improved recipe
The Flavia Real Milk Froth packet is for use only in a Flavia Single Cup Brewer
There are 4 rails of 18 (72 total Flavia Real Milk Froth Packets)
72 Count Real Milk Froth for your flavia brewer (Formerly Fabulous Froth Original). Indulge yourself with a perfect Latte or Cappuccino without leaving your home or office; just add your coffee / tea of choice and a packet of Real Milk