Meridee Winters Super Start! My First Piano Patterns: Level P (Prep) Ages 5 & Up
"Meridee Winters Super Start! My First Piano Patterns" is designed especially for young beginners, and contains 36 games, songs and activities that will guarantee a fun and successful start to piano lessons. By using musical patterns, simple diagrams and playful characters, students sound great from their very first lesson – without needing to read music. Each exercise is explained in a visual, step-by-step way to allow for frustration-free playing. Songs gradually increase in skill throughout the book, culminating in a final chapter of youngster-friendly waltzes and classically-inspired pattern songs.
The Super Start series was a created by Meridee Winters, a trained educator, musician and performer with several decades of experience creating innovative music teaching materials for her cult-favorite Philadelphia area music school. At first glance, her books seem like fun collections of catchy songs and whimsical games, but they are deliberately designed to promote creativity, engage higher level thinking, and demonstrate the powerful patterns found throughout music.
Super Start! My First Piano Patterns takes students on a fun tour through Planet Plunk, where they learn new skills and songs in each chapter. Once they complete their final concert, they'll be ready to space-surf to Meridee's "All Star Piano Patterns" series where they'll learn chords, arpeggios and much, much more!
Super Start Students will learn:
-Finger Numbers
-Black Keys
-White Keys
-The Musical Alphabet
-Simple Intervals
-Great-sounding Pattern Songs
-Creative Spins
...And more!
This book is a great supplement to other beginner piano books, or can be used as a standalone introduction to piano. It's pattern-based approach is also great for alternative learners, including those with ADHD, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and more.