Make up your own games and play for keeps or just for fun. With over 100 Beanz to collect, trade and play, your world is mighty fun!
1 tin + 2 Exclusive Marvel Beanz
Mighty Beanz are a collector’s dream - with Beanz for everyone’s taste! Music Beanz, Zoo Beanz, Horror Beanz, Sport Beanz and soooo much more! Collect common, rare and ultrarare Beanz, trade them and play with them! Not your ordinary bean, Mighty Beanz stand up, fall down and even roll over - just watch them around a magnet! Play games like Bomber Beanz, 3 Bean Bowling, Bean Bounce and Royal Rumble Beanz! Make up your own games and play for keeps or just for fun. With over 100 Beanz to collect, trade and play, your world is mighty fun!