Flexible bonding agent that grabs, adheres, and interlocks the fibers of virtually any fabric
Package includes one 6-fluid ounce Mendit and one 1-fluid ounce Gemit with 50 gems to add bling to clothing
Great way to keep clothing longer and save money
Dries crystal clear; safe for most surfaces
This item is not for sale in Catalina Island
Mighty Mendit is not a glue, but a flexible bonding agent that grabs, adheres, and interlocks the fibers of virtually any fabric for a permanent repair. Sewing takes forever, but with Mighty Mendit just apply, gently touch, and mend it. Mend pillows, comforters, and curtains without removing them. Or make furniture repairs and save money. Mighty Mendit dries crystal clear and is safe for most any fabric. Plus its machine washable. Even after 50 washes the bonding agent still stays strong. We even repaired a parachuute with Mighty Mendit, and it still had the strength to safely bring down a sky diver from 13,000 feet.