The Torvin have been defeated, but only for now. They are still out there, in space, waiting. Plotting their revenge against Miss Marathon and Earth.
Meanwhile, in Bay City, things have started to settle into a routine. Cannon and Maggie are living on the USS Patton, training a new squad of Jaunt Troopers. Maggie doesn't like working for the military, but hey, it's a living.
Specimen and Raseen, the marooned Markete pilot, embark on a diplomatic mission to Galactic Control Central, hoping to resolve the Earth/Torvin hostilities. Will Specimen's powers impress the Galactic Control Council enough to achieve peace?
And finally we have our first real villain. Black Brewskie. Head of the Pacific Exiles, the gang running the drug trade up and down the North Coast.
Who can handle all this nonsense? Miss Marathon and her Bay City Defenders, that's who.