Mission Trip Spanish: learn the Spanish you need for your mission trip in five weeks or less
Do you want to learn Spanish for your mission trip to Latin America? Maybe you don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’ve taken Spanish classes, but when it comes time to speak to actual people, you freeze up and can’t remember the words you need…or worse. Maybe you were never taught the words and phrases that you’ll need while on your mission trip. Are you frustrated with the resources that are out there when it comes to learning Spanish for your mission trip? Don’t worry, you are NOT alone. If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for YOU. In this book, you will learn the Spanish you need for your mission trip easily and FAST. This easy-to-read guide is here to prepare you for your mission trip to Latin America, all you need is five weeks or less. You will LEARN -The tools you need to learn Spanish quickly -Specific words and phrases that you’ll use while on your mission trip -No-Fluff memory techniques that will make the vocabulary stick, the first time -How to keep yourself motivated and energized to learn Spanish for your mission trip -All the internet and phone app resources you’ll need to learn Spanish for your mission trip, FAST Each chapter will explain one step in the process of becoming proficient in Spanish for mission trips. As you go through each chapter, you will learn about why the steps are important, and how you can keep yourself on track. Mission Trip Spanish provides straightforward and no-nonsense strategies to prepare you for your mission trip to Latin America. You will learn how to make these Spanish learning strategies work for you, in a way that fits in with your busy and hectic life. This book has strategically been designed to increase your level of Spanish quickly so that you will be prepared to connect with those you serve while on your mission trip to Latin America. You will also receive advice on how to apply what you learn in this book in order to be successful, maximize your Spanish learning, and achieve your own personal goals, whether proficiency or fluency. You will notice that this book has been designed in a way that encourages you to use those techniques that you find to be most effective for your own learning. This book encourages you to use those techniques that work for you and your own personal strategy of Spanish learning for your mission trip and beyond. This allows you to tailor a Spanish learning strategy that is most likely to fit with your lifestyle, resulting in short-term and long-term success. Included in Mission Trip Spanish is a FREE Master List of words and phrases that you may use while on your mission trip to Latin America. These are common phrases that are specifically tailored to the needs of mission trip volunteers and participants. This list is incredibly useful for the busy person looking for quick phrases that can be memorized before arriving in the mission trip destination country. As you become more familiar with the techniques and information in this book, your Master List will grow into your own personal Master List. If you’ve always wanted to speak Spanish with native speakers and communicate with those you serve while on your mission trip to Latin America, Mission Trips Spanish is for you. Let’s get started.