Models and Frameworks for Implementing Evidence-Based Practice: Linking Evidence to Action
Used Book in Good Condition
The Evidence-Based Nursing Series is co-published with SigmaTheta Tau International (STTI). The series focuses on implementingevidence-based practice in nursing and mirrors the remit ofWorldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, encompassing clinicalpractice, administration, research and public policy.
Models and Frameworks for Implementing Evidence- BasedPractice: Linking Evidence to Action looks at ways ofimplementing evidence gained through research and factors thatinfluence successful implementation. It acknowledges the gap thatexists between obtaining evidence and the practicalities of puttingit into practice and provides direction to help to close this gap.This, the first book in the series, helps the reader to makedecisions about the appropriateness of using various models andframeworks. A selection of models and frameworks are examined indetail including examples of their use in practice. The bookconcludes with an analysis and synthesis of the included models andframeworks.
The models and frameworks that have been included are based on anumber of criteria: that they are internationally recognised, haveundergone widespread evaluation and testing, are transferableacross different settings, and can be used by differentdisciplines. Models and frameworks include:
Stetler Model
Ottowa Model of Research Use
IOWA model of evidence-based practice
Advancing Research and Clinical Practice through CloseCollaboration (ARCC) model
Dobbins’ dissemination and use of research evidence forpolicy and practice framework
Joanna Briggs Institute model
Knowledge to Action framework
Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services(PARIHS)
Key Points:
Includes an overview of implementation issues and the useof theory and frameworks in implementing evidence intopractice
Chapters are written by the developers of the model orframework
Each chapter provides background on an implementation model orframework, suitable applications, underlying theory and examples ofuse
Each chapter examines strengths and weaknesses of each modelalongside barriers and facilitators for its implementation