Moms on Call | Basic Baby Care 0-6 Months | Parenting Book 1 of 3
STEP-BY-STEP ROUTINES - advice to create a routine that will help your baby thrive in the first six months
DAILY SCHEDULES - Typical day schedules for 2-4 weeks, 4-8 weeks, 8-16 weeks and 4-6 months
CRAFTED BY PEDIATRIC NURSES - Expert guidance on baby care, common illnesses, feeding, sleeping, routine, safety and everything newborn
QUICK REFERENCE - Easy to understand format, perfect for busy, sleepy and tired parents
POSITIVE PARENTING: Embrace the journey. You’re not in this alone.
Advice from two pediatric nurse moms with over 20 years of experience. Everything that modern parents need to know about caring for babies in the first 6 months, including: step by step guidelines for getting babies on a routine hour by hour schedule at a glance; feeding instructions for breast, bottle, or both; what symptoms warrant a trip to the emergency room; how to get your baby to sleep all night so you can too; plus much more.