More 1 Minute Isometrics: Build More Strength In 1 Minute (1 Minute Workout Series Book 7)
We all have busy lives and exercise usually takes a back seat to everything else. I mean, who wants finish or start a long day by heading to the gym and exercising for an hour?
That’s where my 1 minute workout series comes in. My e-guides are a quick read and will allow you to get up and moving quickly. Think you don't have time to do exercise? Think again. Everybody can spare 1 minute every now and again.
When reading a book that takes six hours to complete, how much of that information do you really retain? Have you ever had to sit and take notes? Don't be surprised if when you're done taking your notes on that three hundred page book, that you only have 10-30 pages.
With my e-guides, I have already minimized the book and created a "notes" like environment. That way you can "Get Moving & Get Results."
Introducing "More 1 Minute Isometrics."
More 1 Minute Isometrics is a sequel to the original "1 Minute Isometrics" and consists of three, 1 minute workouts, that can help develop strength and possibly rehab some old injuries. While the original guide focused on using your body and just the rope, my new guide focuses on using the rope in concert with a door anchor. Don't own a door anchor, I'll show you how you can use a simple ninety-nine cent dog leash as one.
What you'll find Inside:
-What equipment you'll need. Photos are included along with how to set them up. (minimum: a length of rope and a door anchor/dog leash)
-What exercises to do
-Instruction and photos of each exercise
-Bonus Exercises: Three more isometric exercises to mix things up.
Doing Isometrics for 1 minute can:
-Increase your strength and muscle endurance
-Tone your muscles
-Increase joint and tendon strength
-Build strength quickly
-Allow you to get in a quick workout and get on with your life
Other titles:
author's page,
The Fitness Jumbo Bundle,
Secrets Of Military Fitness,
Dieting Bites,
The 1 Minute Workout Series Bundle #1,
The 1 Minute Workout Series Bundle #2,
1 Minute Isometrics, Build Strength in 1 Minute,
1 Minute Cardio 2.0,
1 Minute Core,
But I Don't Like Running, Now What?,
1 Minute Poses,
Not Another Pullup Guide,
Swimming For Quitters: Learn to swim calm, smooth and relaxed,