More Than Numbers: Native American Actions at the Battle of the Little Bighorn
For most Americans, the Battle of the Little Bighorn is epitomized during the final minutes of the film “They Died With Their Boots On.â€1 In this account, the noble and dashing Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, played by Errol Flynn, and the U.S. 7th Cavalry are pitted against an enormous band of savage and bloodthirsty Indians. Custer realizes that his command is hopelessly outnumbered and an attack on the Indians will certainly lead to its annihilation, but he also knows that if he fails to attack the army column led by General Alfred Terry will be doomed to destruction. In the grand tradition of military sacrifice for the greater good, Custer purposely leads his loyal men into an ambush prepared by thousands of Sioux braves. Within moments, the cavalrymen are completely encircled by hordes of horse-mounted Indians, who rain scores of arrows and spears on the beleaguered troopers. The brave soldiers kill many Indians as they ride “carousel like†around the troopers, but the sheer number of Sioux warriors dwindle the number of cavalrymen standing until only Custer and several loyal men remain valiantly fighting. Finally, the mounted Indians charge in an overwhelming attack and slay the last man standing, George Armstrong Custer.