More Cthulhu puns than you can shake a hayfork at!
This set introduced the Madness cards. A "Madness" is a Curse with a twist, because sometimes you need to go a little crazy!
Jackson. Kovalic. Cthulhu. Could it get any better?
3-6 players
This is an expansion for Munchkin, it is not a standalone game
In this 56 card supplement you will find: more monsters Hog-Sothoth, the Sheep Ones, Shoggoats, even Cowthulhu itself
A new card type, madness these are played like curses, but every madness has its advantages as well
Aw, shucks! Y'all loved Munchkin Cthulhu so much, we jes' had ta bring ya more of that down-home Munchkin craziness! Munchkin Cthulhu 2 – Call of Cowthulhu puts the Great Old Ones out to pasture, Munchkin-style! In this 56-card supplement you'll find: * More monsters! Hog-Sothoth, the Sheep Ones, Shoggoats – even Cowthulhu itself! * More whackers! Squish unnatural creatures with the Rolling Pin, chop them down with the Scythe, or clean them up with the Super Duper Pooper Scooper. * A new card type – Madness! These are played like Curses, but every Madness has its advantages as well! And more of everything else. Watch out for Old Man Nodens with his faithful Doggoth, resting on the porch. Defeat the Arkhamster with your Prize-Winning Preserves. And fear . . . Bovine Intervention! Call of Cowthulhu. Country life will never be the same.