My People's Prayer Book Vol 1: The Sh'ma and Its Blessings
My People's Prayer Book Vol 4: Seder K'riat Hatorah (Shabbat Torah Service)
My People's Prayer Book Vol 6: Tachanun and Concluding Prayers
My People's Prayer Book Vol 7: Shabbat at Home
My People's Prayer Book Vol 9: Welcoming the Night-Minchah and Ma'ariv (Afternoon and Evening Prayer)
All the World: Universalism, Particularism and the High Holy Days (Prayers of Awe)
Naming God: Avinu Malkeinu-Our Father, Our King (Prayers of Awe)
Jewish Pastoral Care 2/E: A Practical Handbook from Traditional & Contemporary Sources
We Have Sinned: Sin and Confession in Judaism-Ashamnu and Al Chet (Prayers of Awe)