My basset hound, Flapps, was thrown into a world of darkness in one moment, literally. At the ripe old age of 13, Flapps was blinded by Glaucoma. My life was plunged into emotional darkness as I contemplated what to do about his situation.
After an initial panic on my part (Flapps was quite calm about the whole thing...), I had to settle down and find a way to ensure his safety and happiness for the rest of his life. Flapps lived another full and wonderful year; a year filled with long walks, warm snuggles, and sound sleeps - just the life every basset should live. And I started in on a journey of a lifetime - a journey that allowed me to start to understand and acknowledge the strength of overcoming adversity.
I wrote this ebook to help others who might be walking in my path. I hope it helps and provides some comfort to others.