The NET Bible is a completely new translation with tens of thousands of notes! Completed by more than 25 scholars working directly from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts this translation is the most accessible ever due to the unparalleled detailing in the notes and up-to-date language. To read this translation along with all the notes go to where it was the first translation to be made available free online. You can read more about the NET Bible translation process, see sample pages and view the state of the art maps on Or check out the short video about the development of the NET Bible. Full Notes Features: * All 60,932 translators' notes * Full color satellite maps of the Holy Lands * 9.5 point font Print Bible features: * Premium Cromwell Leather * Premium Bible paper * Premium Smyth sewn binding * Gold gilded edges and a premium ribbon Bible Specifications including cover) Width - 6 3/4" Length - 9 5/8" Thickness - 2" Designed for long life, these NET Bibles were bound with Premium Cromwell Bonded Leather on the observation that conventional leather dries and cracks in 35 to 150 years, while the modern Bonded Leather composition combines leather and advanced polymers in a way which should extend the working life of the NET Bible far beyond that observed by collectors of first edition Geneva and King James editions, whose spines cracked and fell apart centuries ago. Our goal was to make the first Printed NET Bibles last a very long time.