Nagaraya Cracker Nuts, the all time favorite Filipino snack is not only known in the Philippines but worldwide. People can't stop eating them. Go Nuts with the CRUNCH!!
Barbecue 160g 5.64oz: Has got the smoky, savory taste you love outdoors...and indorrs. All packed and ready to crunch for snacks or parties.
Garlic 160g 5.64oz: Go crunch a Nagaraya. And let your snack or party burst with this exotic flavor.
Original 160g 5.64oz: The more your crunch, the more you love...but who wants to stop! It's fun and filling treat that's perfect for individual snacks or parties.
Adobo 160g 5.64oz: In a crunchy nutshell! Be you can't stop at one. Enjoy this fun and filling treat that's perfect for individual snacks or parties.