Needlepoint Trade Secrets: Great Tips about Organizing, Stitching, Threads, and Materials
Love Needlepoint? Looking for inspiring ideas, organizing tips, information about techniques, threads, materials, or stitching? Look no further, the answer is in Needlepoint Trade Secrets.  Whether you have been stitching for a lifetime or are brand new to needlepoint, Janet M. Perry's great book will make your stitching better, easier, and more fun. She has gathered tips from needlepoint professionals, teachers, and stitchers like you and combined them with her encyclopedic knowledge of needlepoint into a book which will fire your stitching from start to finish.  The first edition was hailed by stitchers everywhere for the wealth of information. The second edition is expended and improved. This new edition, the third, is almost double in size with lots of great new tips to make your stitching sing!  Small to fit with projects, this is an indispensable part of your stitching toolkit.