Soothingly Soft Organic Merino Wool Nursing Pads, Style Original, Size Medium - 7 in. Diameter
Soothingly soft nursing pads in KbT-certified organic merino wool. Designed by a Danish nurse. Wool can absorb 30% of its weight in moisture, without feeling wet. Once wet, pads feel warm, rather than cold & clammy as with cotton or disposables. Scandinavian midwives have traditionally advised breastfeeding mothers to keep their breasts warm, to prevent plugged ducts. Larger sizes provide gentle, soothing warmth for this purpose, and are actually less noticeable through clothing as edge falls further back over covered area. Wool breathes, to maintain comfortable temperature in warmth or cold. Wool's natural oil, lanolin, provides self-cleansing properties; for easy care. The woolen pads work well together with lanolin ointment to help promote healing of sores. Sold as set of 2 pads (one pair). Available in a variety of sizes and styles to suit each woman's needs.