OCD Sucks! is a book about the author's experience with OCD. It was written to provide a transparent look into what the symptoms of OCD look like, along with ways to really "get in the ring" with OCD and throw a few well-placed punches.
The methods contained within are based on sound research and tweaked based on over 20 years experience with the disorder. It's not your standard self-help book or memoir, mainly because it has more than a few expletives. It also provides entertaining metaphors, analogies, and anecdotes.
If you have OCD, then the intent of this book is to provide the following:
1. Very clear ways to deal with any type of OCD 2. An understanding of what OCD is and what it isn't 3. The knowledge that you are not alone 4. A transparent look into the life of someone with the disorder 5. Hope that you can take steps to minimize the impact has on your life significantly 6. A comical look into how OCD truly operates
If you don't have OCD, this book will:
1. Provide you with a greater understanding of what OCD truly is 2. Help you understand what people with the disorder go through on a daily basis 3. Provide a comical view of what OCD looks like
Sit back, relax, and get ready to read about living with OCD.